Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Not every gift is welcome?

Hello my darling readers! It’s been a whole month of silence from me. I know you guys are disappointed at me for letting you down, and some of you must be cursing me now. I know how you feel and I totally deserve whatever you guys throw at me right now. **kneeling down** Accept my sincerest apology for leaving this blog blank for a long time. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Okay, now that I have got that all settled, let me quickly move on to my post for today. 

I like music, movie and basically anything that has the word ‘gift’ in its title. And I think it’s because I love gifts .Who doesn’t! So I guessed that’s what caught my attention to the Joel Edgerton directed film “The Gift”. A movie released on August 7, starring Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall and Joel Edgerton and the subtitle which says “Not every gift is welcome”, because the most important thing about a gift is the MOTIVE behind it, which is why not all gift is welcome −yahhhhhh!

I know what you are thinking; “what could be so special about the movie”? Hold on a sec. I can’t and I'm  not going to hype the movie but this much I can tell you, and that is, that the movie is full of suspense (I know a lot of people love suspense movie) and that it has a great story line. Is that convincing enough? If your answer is 'No' then you are going to like chopslap now ( **smiles** I'm just playing with you guys)

Check-out the trailer below and I hope you are thrilled enough to want to see the full movie

Please remember to visit my blog always and remember this; "I love you all"

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